In today’s era, technology is developing very rapidly; information is easily accessible anytime and anywhere and by anyone. In addition, Digital technology in various elements of life makes it easy for anyone to find information quickly.
Especially in the current pandemic era, technology plays an essential role in providing information, including preaching. A preacher can convey Islamic teachings through social media such as Youtube, Instagram, Facebook, etc. Because the digital era is the peak where everything is fast-paced and can be enjoyed by the public.
Meanwhile, we know that the process of Islamization in Indonesia started from the coast, which is a place for shipping traffic and Muslim traders. But, in addition, there is a reciprocal relationship between coastal communities and inland communities.
The still local solid and traditional culture inherent in Indonesian Muslims certainly creates its own uniqueness for the religion of Islam. This can be seen from several religious activities carried out by people in various regions with various local cultures that contain different Islamic elements.
In spreading Islam, Wali Songo approached the traditions and culture of the indigenous people, where at that time they already had the local culture they embraced. Whether there is a religion or not, they continue to survive by the guidelines they already have. Wali Songo is very concerned about the character and nature of the community as the target of da’wah in all its diversity of character and culture.
The presence of Wali Songo in Javanese society by bringing Islamic teachings was not readily accepted by the community. Thus, Wali Songo is faced with an organisation with traditions, culture, and instructions that they have long adhered to.
Therefore, the strategy taken by Wali Songo is through da’wah appropriately and wisely, namely by combining elements of Islamic religious teachings and local culture without eliminating aspects of culture, instructions, and socio-economic conditions of the community.