It has been more than a year since I joined the website, becoming a part of the author or contributor. During that time, I began to become a more confident writer. Be confident in your own writing and your writing skills. Confidence can be a writer who provides benefits to many people, especially to readers.
Currently, santri has a broader dimension. This means that it is not only stagnant in one science, namely religion. Although some Islamic boarding schools seem to adhere to a dichotomy system, most have started to be confident in entering other disciplines, such as general science. Santri, initially seen as old-fashioned santri, began to prove their existence.

Therefore, students who may now be experts in various fields must also be able to compete in the public sphere. The knowledge that has been and is being studied can undoubtedly be applied in everyday life, at least delivered in various forms, either orally or in writing. This can also be an effort for students to introduce themselves to the public sphere and save the public from knowledge and understanding that is still unclear.
One way to express it all is by writing. The existence of santri will dominate with the writings that are created. Because, in addition to being immortal (as Pramoedya Ananta Toer once said), in the current condition, writing is also a weapon that can be used to dispel various unclear arguments (of course, by using more convincing data and references), especially in the media. Social.
The website has at least answered all of these questions. With the website, students can get valuable opportunities. In addition, the majority of contributors from the santri circle can have a place to express all forms of thoughts and feelings through several genres, such as opinions, poetry, short stories, and humour.