Author: Dian Nafi
Publisher: Kakilangit Kencana
Published: December 2014
Content: 198 pages
In the last few months, the pesantren novels are being lively discussed. Starting from the novel “Hati Suhita” by Khilma Anis, which is sold more than ten thousand copies of the book without significant publishers or major bookstores, then the novel “Two Barista” by Najhaty Sharma, which also becomes a bestseller, and it also followed by novel “Hilda” by Muyassaroh Hafidzoh and Novel “DUR” by Nisaul Kamilah.

It is interesting to see how new writers are born with their various works. But, of course, Khilma Anis cannot be included in the new writer’s category because her writing career began many years ago since she wrote the Novel “Jadilah Purnamaku Ning” published by Matapena in 2008.
But, talking about the pesantren novel, we have to remember Dian Nafi nicely. She is a very productive pesantren novel writer. She has written dozens of books published by Grasindo, Jendela, Zikrul Hakim, Quanta, Elexmedia, Bentang, Gramedia Main Library, Leutika, Hasfa, Hasmania, Mizan, Familia, Qudsi, Bypass, Javalitera, Plotpoint, Diandra, Bunyan, Bypass, Bypass, Kakilangit Kencana, etc.
Her works also compile with other writings in many anthologies. In addition, Dian Nafi is also active in various communities, and she often becomes a mentor in papers, including literary essays. One of Dian Nafi’s novels about pesantren life is “Gus”. This 198-pages Novel was first published in 2014 by Kakilangit Kencana. Although “Gus” is not as famous as the recently pesantren novels published, I think it’s a pity to pass up this Novel.