Commemorating Pancasila Day, Jejaring Dunia Santri (JDS) will hold a series of Pancasila Webinar in several cities in Indonesia. The first webinar with the theme “Reaffirming Pancasila as the Nation’s Ideology in the Millennial Era” will be held on Monday, June 15, 2020, from 9 am to 1 pm Jakarta Time.
Four outstanding panellists will be joining this webinar, namely Prof. Melani Budianta, Prof. Dr Sahiron Syamsuddin, Abdul Mun’im DZ, and Bisri Effendy.

Prof. Melani is a cultural studies expert and senior lecturer at the University of Indonesia’s Postgraduate Program. She will deliver a material entitled “Pancasila and National Construction”.
Meanwhile, Prof. Dr Sahiron Syamsuddin, an expert in Islamic thought studies and the Chancellor of Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University in Yogyakarta, will deliver a material entitled “Islamic Dialectics and Pancasila”.
The next speaker is the Secretary of the Board of Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) Abdul Mun’im DZ. The author of several books, including the NU-PKI Clash and NU Historical Fragments, will present the material entitled “The Role of Ulama in the Formulation and Defending of Pancasila”.
The fourth speaker is Bisri Effendy, a religious and cultural researcher who had worked as a senior researcher at the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI). In this first Webinar, Pak Bisri, an activist of the jejaring dunia santri, will be presenting the material titled “Pancasila as Local Genius and Local Wisdom”. And the moderator in this webinar will be al-Zastrouw Ng, nahdliyin’s cultural practitioner.
Through this series of Pancasila Webinars, according to the Chairperson of the Organizing Committee, Alfian Siagian, he had high hopes that there would be a reaffirmation of Pancasila as the basis of the nation’s state and ideology in this millennial era. Because, since Indonesia gained its independence, there’s always been groups wanted to replace Pancasila with another ideology. There are always groups that try to keep the Indonesian people away from Pancasila as the nation’s ideology and exchange it for other ideologies or ideologies.