Indonesia is known for having many charismatic religious leaders spread across various regions. Likewise, in the Pasundan region, specifically in Cianjur, there are many figures playing significant roles in their respective fields. One of them is Syekh Ahmad Syathibi, the author of the Sirajul Munir book and the caretaker of the Gentur pesantren in Cianjur, West Java.
Who exactly is this kiai figure? Syekh Ahmad Syatibi is a religious leader from the Sundanese region, widely known by the people of West Java. He holds the title Al’Allim Al’Allamah Al-Kamil Al-Wara. He is also known as the teacher of prominent scholars in the Sundanese region such as Syekh Zain Abdussomad (Mama Gelar) from Cianjur; Syekh Abdullah Nuh (Mama Cimanggu) from Tanah Sareal Bogor; Syekh Mama Hasbullah from Sukaraja, Sukabumi; Syekh Muhammad Syafi’i from Bandung; Syekh Zinal ‘Alim (Mama Haur Koneng), and others.

Mama Gentur, as the students and the wider community call him. Mama is a term used for an elder kiai in the Sundanese region. Meanwhile, Gentur is the village where he was born and established the pesantren.
Syekh Ahmad Syatibi or Mama Gentur is an education fighter in the land of Pasundan. This is evidenced by the many students who learned from Mama Gentur, later becoming great scholars in Pasundan who had a significant influence on regional and national changes.
The exact date of Mama Gentur’s birth is not known. Some mention between the 12th and 18th of a month, but the month and year of his birth are unknown. Some also mention Mama Gentur was born in the middle of the 13th century Hijri era. What is clear, as his name suggests, Mama Gentur was born in Kampung Gentur, Warung Kondang District, Cianjur, West Java. His father was Mama Haji Sa’id and his mother was Hj Siti Khodijah.