I lived in a boarding school for 12 years. The first stayed at the Nurul Islam pesantren in Karangcempaka, Bluto, Sumenep, Madura from 1999 to 2006. The second attended the Nurul Qarnain pesatren Sukowono, Jember, East Java from 2006 to 2011).
Of course, during those 12 years, there were many stories in my life’s journey. One of them, the story of suffering, which when I remember it, I can’t hold back the tears.

“If I have friends who are also from Jember, I will continue to madrasa aliyah. But, if not, maybe I just arrive at this madrasa tsanawiyah,” said Hafi to his father, Abdul Halim, by telephone during the seconds of receiving the sign. graduation of MTs Nurul Islam Karangcempaka Bluto Sumenep Madura, in June 1999.
Then the father was busy looking for children from several acquaintances who would be persuaded to comply with his son’s request. He called his friends. He visited the houses of his neighbours. He was looking for information about whose children wanted to continue their education to the junior high school or high school level in the new year’s school at that time.
After a few days, his efforts paid off. He found a child from his fellow organization in the community. And that child is none other than me. At that time, I had just graduated from elementary school. And my father, Khomsu, had been planning for a long time to send me home and to send me to the island of Madura. Turns out, tit for tat. It’s a relief.
On Tuesday afternoon, July 6, 1999, the stunning twilight testified that my father, Mr Halim and Mr Halim departed from Garahan to Tawang Alun, driving Mr Husen’s car, Mr Halim’s neighbour. Precisely at 19.05 WIB, we arrived at Tawang Alun and immediately looked for a bus to Madura.