Historically, pesantrens have formed a steadfast pillar of Indonesia, upholding the nation’s ideals, particularly Pancasila. While some pesantrens may diverge in understanding, pesantrens are generally formal educational institutions under the oversight of the Ministry of Education and Culture or the Ministry of Religious Affairs. Thus, santri (students of pesantren) are undeniably integral to the foundation of Indonesia.
The topic of nationalism in pesantrens is one that merits exploration, especially as nationalism sometimes calls for a test of authenticity. It is insufficient to merely voice pro-nationalist rhetoric without truly knowing the Pancasila principles. While textual knowledge might seem secondary to practical application, a contextual understanding cannot thrive without a foundational text. It is this unity of text and context that breathes perfectionist life into nationalism.

Reflecting on past experience at Pesantren Annuqayah, it was customary to hold flag ceremonies on national days, such as National Education Day, and I even participated in Paskibraka alongside other santri on Independence Day, August 17. This practice underlined the strong sense of nationalism embedded within the santri spirit. The Guideline for the Appreciation and Practice of Pancasila (P-4) was inseparable from advancing to higher levels of education, and though questioned in terms of context, it served as a foundational framework for nurturing the spirit of nationalism.
Understanding Nationalism
Nationalism is a political sentiment that unites people of the same culture, territory, and shared aspirations. According to the Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), nationalism represents a doctrine of love for one’s nation and country. When someone grows up in a particular land, a natural instinct to defend and love it emerges as a manifestation of nationalism.
Hubbul wathan (love of one’s homeland), as advocated by KH Hasyim Asy’ari, is a guiding principle in building this nationalistic spirit. A deep awareness and commitment to defending the country must be rooted in the spirit of national unity. Sacrificing for the nation, fostering patriotism, and strengthening unity and solidarity are central to nationalism.