Philosophy in Our Daily Lives


Philosophy, in its essence, is humanity’s endeavor to explore and understand the nature of existence, the meaning of life, and the value systems that govern human interaction with the world around them. As an inseparable part of human experience, philosophy naturally influences every aspect of daily life, often without conscious awareness.

One key aspect of philosophy in our daily lives is reflection on the meaning of life. When faced with challenges or significant events, we often contemplate the deeper significance of these experiences. For example, failure to achieve a specific goal may prompt questions about the direction of our lives, while the loss of a loved one encourages reflection on the most important values in life. In such moments, philosophy provides a broad and profound framework of thought, enabling us to explore existential questions about the meaning and purpose of our lives in this world.


Furthermore, ethics and morality are crucial domains of philosophy that have a direct impact on everyday life. Ethics addresses what is right and wrong, good and bad, and the actions that should be taken or avoided. In various situations in daily life, we are confronted with moral choices that involve ethical considerations. Understanding ethical principles such as utilitarianism, deontology, or virtue ethics can guide us in making responsible and moral decisions.

Moreover, philosophy also shapes our perspectives and understanding of the world. By studying various philosophical theories, we develop more complex and inclusive thinking about various aspects of life. For instance, understanding epistemology helps us evaluate the truthfulness of information, while political philosophy enables us to understand power dynamics and justice in society.

Philosophizing in Pesantren

Some Pesantren incorporate the teaching of manthiq (logic), which is closely related to the philosophical spirit of thinking correctly. Furthermore, Muslim scholars like Ibn Rushd proposed that philosophy and Sharia are like twin siblings (ukht rodho’ah). Thus, the path to truth (reality) may also pass through philosophical avenues. A concrete example of philosophy teaching in some boarding schools is found in Ibn Rushd’s book Bidayatul Mujtahid, which presents various perspectives of Islamic jurisprudence with philosophical analysis, known as ushul fiqh. The purpose of incorporating Islamic philosophical reasoning into legal studies is to enable students to understand reasoning and broaden their horizons in various legal perspectives.

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