Sheikh Zainuddin: The Scholar and Freedom Fighter from Lombok

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Not only remembered as a key figure in spreading Islam in Lombok, Sheikh Zainuddin Abdul Majid is also honored as a national hero for his role in Indonesia’s fight for independence. His contributions have left a lasting legacy, particularly in the rapid growth of Islam in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB).

Born in Pangkor Village, East Lombok, on August 5, 1898, Sheikh Zainuddin Abdul Majid played a significant role not only in advancing local Islamic education but also in Indonesia’s struggle for independence. His commitment to both education and religion has left a deep and lasting impact that continues to be felt today. He is remembered as one of the great scholars of the archipelago.


Education and Service

Sheikh Zainuddin’s family background greatly influenced his life path. He was born into a family of scholars who upheld the values of religion and knowledge.

As a child, he received religious instruction from his father, Tuan Guru Haji Abdul Majid, a respected scholar in Lombok. His formal education began at various Islamic schools in Lombok, and he later continued his studies at several pesantren (Islamic boarding schools) in Java, including the renowned Tebuireng Pesantren in Jombang. This institution was one of the largest and most influential centers of Islamic education at the time and where Sheikh Zainuddin laid the foundation for his Islamic knowledge.

The pinnacle of his education came when he pursued further studies in the holy city of Mecca, then the global center of Islamic learning. In Mecca, he studied under prominent scholars such as Sheikh Muhammad Mahfuz al-Tarmasi and Sheikh Ahmad Khatib al-Minangkabawi.

From these esteemed teachers, Sheikh Zainuddin gained extensive knowledge in various fields of Islamic studies such as fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence), tafsir (Qur’anic exegesis), and hadith (Prophetic traditions). He also deepened his understanding of Sufism, which would later profoundly influence his spiritual life and personal outlook.

Upon returning to Lombok after completing his studies in Mecca, Sheikh Zainuddin felt a calling to use his knowledge to benefit his community. In 1937, he founded a madrasa (Islamic school) that would eventually grow into the Nahdlatul Wathan (NW) organization.

Nahdlatul Wathan, meaning “The Awakening of the Homeland,” was established with the goal of improving the education and welfare of the people of Lombok through a holistic approach, integrating religious knowledge with contemporary sciences. Under his leadership, NW expanded into a vast educational network of madrasas, schools, and pesantren throughout Lombok and surrounding areas.

Sheikh Zainuddin’s views were progressive for his time. He emphasized the importance of education for women, at a time when female education was often seen as less important. He challenged this notion by establishing a madrasa specifically for girls. He believed that education was a right for everyone, regardless of gender, and argued that educated women would bring immense benefits to their families and communities.

Struggle for Independence

In addition to his contributions to education, Sheikh Zainuddin Abdul Majid played a crucial role in Indonesia’s independence movement. As a respected religious leader, he used his influence to inspire resistance against Dutch colonialism among the people of Lombok. His efforts were not only in words but in action, as he supported various resistance movements by providing spiritual and moral guidance to freedom fighters and organizing logistical support.

For Sheikh Zainuddin, the struggle against colonialism was part of jihad, a religious duty to protect the homeland from oppression. He taught his followers that independence was a right to be fought for, not just for political reasons but as a way to preserve the dignity and honor of individuals as Muslims. Through his sermons, he instilled the belief that the fight against colonialism was a noble and sacred act of worship to God.

After Indonesia achieved independence, Sheikh Zainuddin continued to contribute to the nation’s development, particularly through the expansion of NW. Until his death on October 21, 1997, Sheikh Zainuddin remained actively involved in advancing and promoting Islamic education on the island of Lombok. The organization he founded became not only a center of education but also a moral and spiritual stronghold for the people of Lombok, symbolizing the revival and independence of Muslims in the region.

Sheikh Zainuddin’s influence extended into various areas of community life. He also emphasized the importance of unity and solidarity among Muslims to overcome the challenges of the times. Through NW, he encouraged the people to actively participate in social and economic development while maintaining integrity and ethics in all their actions. His teachings were not only theoretical but also practical and relevant to everyday life.

In 2017, the Indonesian government officially recognized Sheikh Zainuddin Abdul Majid’s contributions by awarding him the title of National Hero. This honor acknowledges his dedication and efforts in nation-building through Islamic education and advocacy, as well as his contribution to the independence movement. His legacy, especially through NW, continues to benefit future generations, making him a figure to be admired and respected.

As a scholar, educator, and freedom fighter, Sheikh Zainuddin Abdul Majid exemplified how religion can be a powerful force in building a just, prosperous, and dignified society. His life and struggles demonstrate that individuals with knowledge and faith can make significant contributions to the advancement of both nation and religion. His influence will continue to live on, inspiring future generations to build a better Indonesia rooted in strong Islamic values and a steadfast sense of nationalism.


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