Tawhid in Everyday Life


Is it possible to make tawhid a practice in our daily lives? Perhaps. Thus, we must extract the concept of tawhid from the theological realm and apply it to the practical domain, within the sphere of everyday life.

Simple, isn’t it? What makes it difficult is, perhaps, our way of thinking, our faith, our psyche, or our personality construct.


Let’s speculate with numerous examples around us. Many people become desperate, feeling their lives are meaningless, and are willing to die by suicide just because of love. To their beloved, individuals like this always say, “I cannot live without you!” This is not an expression of true love, but rather an expression of the fragility of personalities of unstable souls.

Another example may be ourselves, or our neighbors, or our friends, who admire people of higher class, yet at the same time, belittle and scorn those less fortunate. These are souls blinded by glamour, cynical towards what they deem as inferior.

In everyday life, we often see people who always depend, or hang their lives, on others. When they want to do something, they always wait for others to do it first. At the most extreme level, they entrust their fate, their life and death, to others. They cannot do anything without the support of others. They truly cannot live without the involvement of others in their lives. These are individuals who always make others a factor in their lives.

Those are just examples of everyday practices far from the true purpose of affirming the Oneness of God. In Islamic theology, we are taught from early on about the obligatory attributes of God: that Allah is One, singular, indivisible. There is nothing like Him. There is no comparison to Him. Associating partners with Him, or equating others with Him, is considered as shirk, a major sin.

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