Up to the present, knowledge was divided into two parts. These have been confronting each other for years. Previously, the primary source of those parts was not the same. The first part is inspired by natural science, and another part is by religious doctrine. Some people may judges sometimes that religious knowledge is superior to non-religious knowledge. In that problem, I will mention one name that attempts to reconcile these two paradigms he is Amin Abdullah.
From my perspective, Amin Abdullah has built an emotional relationship with Sunan Kalijaga Islamic State University(UIN Sunan Kalijaga). Many people call that university UIN Suka or only UIN has two campuses. Many students call them west and east campuses. However, you will find one building on the east campus, Prof. Amin Abdullah. That is a multi-purpose building (MP). Many events have been done in there. I think UIN have entitled that building as an honour to Amin Abdullah because he had successfully brought Sunan Kalijaga Campus from State Islamic Institute (IAIN) to State Islamic University (UIN).

Amin Abdullah was born in Pati, East Java, Indonesia, on the 28th of July 1953. He had done the study at Darussalam Gontor Islamic Boarding School—as known as Pondok Modern Gontor—in 1972. Then continued his study at the same alma mater. He had become UIN’s rector from 2001 until 2010. After Amin Abdullah had completed the rector desk, he became UIN’s icon because the base fundamental of UIN has adopted his integration-interconnection paradigm.
Thus, the relationship between religious and non-religious knowledge is more stressful. Consequently, many scholars have attempted to reconcile. Firstly, some scholars try to describe that religious knowledge and scientific knowledge have their sections. Secondly, some other scholars attempt to reconcile and form a middle road between religious and scientific knowledge. Amin Abdullah has been included in this front. He tries to reconcile two knowledge sections. To summarise, we will see Amin Abdullah’s argument and main idea of the integration-interconnection paradigm.