One of the roles of santri is to maintain the cohesiveness of social life. You may assume differently about santri, but we need to realize the process of education and coaching both in the religious, social, and cultural contexts that the santri undergo. Santri should disseminate religious teachings and values and maintain social stability in their environment, both in small and large spaces.
It has become a pesantren tradition that wajadilhum bilma’ruf or scientific discussion in every study of knowledge or during mutalaah together. This is an effort so that the truth belongs to not only one side of the group but also a variety of perspectives which are then processed into one common benefit. Also means that knowledge, values, and religious teachings must be conveyed and applied in various lives.

You might think that students who have a habit of going everywhere with gloves and “joint” cigarettes can only be invited when there is a recitation, salvation, completion of the Koran, or 100 days or even 1000 days of prayer. But far from that, the santri have a broad horizon to maintain the social stability of the community.
Do you want proof? I’ll be looking for a cigarette in a second. Well …., If this is good. In a social life with various characters, cultures, and thoughts, it will undoubtedly experience surfing art in its control. Numerous assumptions and social dynamics become delicious spices in a very diverse life. We don’t have to talk on an archipelago scale; in just one village, polemics must arise because of different opinions, reasoning, thinking styles, and intuitions.
Santri often becomes gatherers in dynamic spaces. Not only the reading part of the prayer, sometimes to embrace fellow Muslims who have different views, the santri act as mediators in determining the best decision. We are undoubtedly familiar with “Pak Mudin”, whose duties are not only related to talkin, taking care of corpses, or marrying people, but also often dealing with administrative matters, which are certainly different from his background as a santri. However, who would have thought that a Mudin could overcome administrative problems.