Cut Mala (The Chosen Land)

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That night was unlike any before. The sky was exceptionally clear, radiant, and filled with stars, without a cloud in sight. A soft breeze drifted across the shimmering sea, whose waves seemed hesitant to break along the shore, choosing instead to dance under the starlight. Trees swayed gently in the wind, their leaves waving as if in quiet conversation. The atmosphere was one of reverence.

On this night, God summoned all the angels to gather, and as the night deepened, the meeting began. Each angel was asked to report on the state of the universe, delivering their updates in detail. When they finished, God began to speak.


“Do you remember what I did to the people of Lot and Noah?”

The angels fell silent, the room thick with tension.

“Do you remember?”

“They were deniers and disobedient, Lord,” one angel replied. “They were a people who defied Your will, and You destroyed them.”

“Yes. And as you know, in one corner of the Earth, there is now a nation more corrupt than the people of Lot and Noah. By My decree, this nation must be destroyed to prevent them from spreading ruin upon the earth.”

“Which nation, my Lord?”

“Which people, Lord?”

“Which corner of the Earth do they inhabit, Lord?”

The silence grew as the angels waited with bated breath.

“You pretend not to know. It is the people of the emerald archipelago.”

The angels were stunned. “Indonesia, Lord?” several replied in unison.

“Why are you so surprised?”

“Isn’t Indonesia a deeply religious nation?” one angel asked.

“Yes, all the people there follow religions You have given them,” added another.

“Indeed. But answer Me this.”

“We are Your humble servants, Lord,” the angels replied.

“Tell Me, what haven’t I already provided to the people of Indonesia? Is there anything left that I have not given them?”

The angels hung their heads, saying nothing.

“I have given them everything so that they might lead other nations in building a perfect civilization on Earth.”

“We are Your servants, Lord.”

“Is there another nation that I have blessed with such beauty and natural wealth as I have Indonesia?”

“We have borne witness to it all, my Lord.”

“I spread countless islands across their seas, with bountiful resources in their depths. I expanded vast oceans in all directions, filled with wealth and beauty, and formed towering mountains rich with sources of energy. I sent rain to keep their forests thriving, and I set the sun’s path to bless them with ideal climate and weather—so exquisite that they call their land the Emerald of the Equator.”

“We have borne witness to it all, Lord.”

“That was not all. I destined them to be a tapestry of ethnicities and races, colors, and languages, allowing them a life rich in diversity.”

“We have borne witness to it all, Lord.”

“That was still not all. I gave them multiple religions, five in total, so that they might choose the path most suited to their souls. Yet what happened?”

“We know only so little, Lord.”

“They neglected the boundless, beautiful land and instead ravaged and defiled it. With such richness, they have descended to the depths of corruption—stealing from one another until they have become the most corrupt of all nations.”

“We are but Your humble servants, Lord.”

“Why did I create them as such a diverse people? So that in coming together, they might feel compassion and love for one another, live harmoniously, and find joy in their diversity. But what did they do? They turned this diversity into a reason to destroy one another.”

The angels remained silent.

“So, you say they are a religious people? I ask you now, how do they practice their religion? How do they worship their God?”

The angels could not respond.

“They wear it as a mask, or worse, sell it. They think they can profit from religion, even selling My name. This is abhorrent!”

The angels began to tremble.

“Do you realize how long it has been since this nation last used its reason? And without reason, how can they practice true faith? Remember My laws: what makes humanity distinct from other creatures, such as beasts?”

“We know only what You have told us, Lord.”

“Reason! Only reason allows them to be called human and to rise above even you, My angels, if they use it fully. But as they have abandoned reason, they are no longer worthy to be called human. And as their deeds have become more vile than the beasts, they are now less than devils. I am bound by My covenant not to destroy devils until the end of days. But for humans who have become devils, I must act now.”

“When will the curse be delivered, Lord?” one angel dared to ask.

“Tomorrow. Sunday morning.”

“But, Lord, there is one among them who is so pure and loves You dearly. Surely there can be an exception?”

“Who is it?”

“Cut Mala, my Lord.”

“Yes, My beloved. What does she wish?”

“She wishes to bear the burden of her people’s sins alone.”

“Why is that?”

“She has known of Your coming judgment, Lord. And every night, while others sleep, she keeps vigil, praying for her people. She weeps, pleading that they might be spared, willing to bear the curse alone.”

“Yes, bring her to Me.”

The angel was startled. “Bring her here, Lord? As You once did with Muhammad?”

“Yes. Shall not My saints also stand before Me as did My prophets?”

The angel bowed. “Your will is our command, Lord.”

The sky above Serambi Mekah was clear and bright, shining with starlight. The sea waves danced rhythmically, a silent song of the night, while Cut Mala, as always, kept vigil. She knelt, her eyes closed, tears running down her cheeks, her frail frame trembling.

“Cut Mala, come with me.”

The gentle voice startled her, and she turned to her right, seeing a form she could not discern yet gazed upon with serenity.

“Where are you taking me?”

“To the place you seek.”

In a moment, they soared across galaxies faster than light, stopping in a realm unknown to Cut Mala, infinite yet strangely intimate.

“Where am I?”

“You are before your Lord,” the angel replied.

“Lord, here is Your humble servant.” Cut Mala knelt before Him.

“Cut Mala, I am going to destroy your nation. Yet the angels report that you constantly pray to bear the curse alone.”

“Lord, it would be an honor if You granted my prayer.”

“But this will not be enough for them to understand, a nation as ignorant as this.”

“What form will the curse take, Lord?”

“Like what I brought upon the people of Lot and Noah.”

“Oh, my Lord, if it is to be so, let Serambi Mekah alone bear the curse. Grant me this request.”

“Why only Serambi Mekah? It is My house as well, which I will preserve.”

“To ensure our sacrifices were not in vain, my Lord. We have long given everything to see Indonesia thrive. If You destroy the nation, our sacrifice will be wasted. So, grant us this last chance, Lord.”

“You are certain, Cut Mala?”

“Lord, only we, the people of Serambi Mekah, can bear this curse. Grant us this one chance.”

“Very well. Tomorrow, Serambi Mekah will be taken by the waves, as you wish. And you, Cut Mala, shall stay here to avoid this curse.”

“No, Lord. I must return to Serambi Mekah. I wish to become a martyr, to live eternally in Your presence.”

At dawn, the sky above Serambi Mekah remained clear and bright. But as morning came, the sea roared and rose. Waves, tall and fierce, crashed upon the land. In an instant, Serambi Mekah was devastated. Amidst the devastation, the souls of the fallen ascended, immortalized in the heavens. They would forever dwell in paradise, as written by the poet, Teungku Cik Pante Kulu:

“To die in faith brings no pain

It’s as cutting a nail.

Do not say they are dead

True worshipers live on.”

And I am filled with envy.

Translated from here.


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