
duniasantri: Digital Media Exploration


The internet has already become the primary need of modern society. The distribution of information can be easily obtained even though there is a risk of lack of credibility of literacy. As a result, the source of conflict is often triggered by stuttering to receive information from digital media.

Because of this, there is a negative perception of the media as a source of hoaxes, expertise limitation, and manipulating data and information for specific motives. As a result, people who are not from academic circles (technological stuttering) are forced to consume news that has the potential to cause massive conflict.


The media’s homework is to restore a journalistic image with appropriate information capabilities for public consumption. Let’s put aside fanaticism and hatred towards opposing groups or individuals. Journalism must re-apply the principle of covering both sides as a way to resolve conflicts with an objective point of view.

The media must have a sense of responsibility to educate the public by prioritizing good journalistic values. For example, don’t just quote without an apparent reference and search for news sources. In fact, opinions must contain good writing rules without the tendency to demean particular objects or parties without being accompanied by valid sources of information.

We must address our appreciation to the media editor, who is responsible for the quality of the work before it becomes public information. Editors are not only concerned with justifying word diction according to PUEBI but there are values ​​held by the media so that it continues to run according to the media’s vision and mission. In addition, editors must also understand journalistic ethics, which have the potential to be hoaxes and create broader conflicts.

The internet world has robbed most people’s ability to think in a concentrated, reflective, and contemplative way. Especially when you see the character of the netizens who read the news title without knowing the content, it’s easy to share the news without the verification process first. The flood of information makes people confused and lazy to think. As a result, the available information tends to be useless, confusing and damaging to how we live together.

In the role of religion, the internet has become an arena for mazhab or ideological “war”. The digital santri movement intensively campaigns in Islamic boarding schools when many beliefs and practices are misled (deviated). Ulama and Kiai are victims of modern Islamic brutality who easily accuse liberals, infidels, and others of swearing.

The unhealthy climate of the internet has brought the patriotic attitude of santri to appear in the digital (public) space. Establish various digital platforms that accommodate students to work and be literate. Popularize the idea of ​​tolerant, moderate, and polite Islam. Santri is increasingly active in social networking and silences the takfirism narrative indoctrinated to the millennial generation.

In this context, duniasantri.co is a platform that supports students and alums of Islamic boarding schools in expressing ideas about the world of Islamic boarding schools, nationalism (nationality), and tolerance. However, it takes a massive movement to introduce this platform to social media networks better. Since today social media no longer functions as a medium of long-distance communication only but can be a tool for ideological campaigns.

I haven’t seen duniasantri.co stretching on social media. However, sharing my experience initiating the NU Artists community, the function of social media that is more often accessed by the millennial generation is easier to reach the broader community through the author’s critical narrative. In addition, it also becomes a strong foundation for elevating the existence of the media (website) through the number of article visitors.

At least strengthen the editorial team through social media marketing and graphic design to support public interest in visiting duniasantri.co. Grateful to be able to explore the audio-visual world through podcasts or YouTube. However, switching to an audio-visual platform requires a relatively expensive production cost than just improving social media management such as Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.

duniasantri.co already has a relatively large market share. Based on SEMrush.com data accessed on August 8, 2022, at 10.38 WIB, the duniasantri.co website recorded an “Authority” value of 24 with 5.1 thousand organic traffic searches and 2.4 thousand “Backlinks”. For a website that is three years old, duniasantri.co is entirely worthy of being a reference as a quality website.

If it campaigns on social media, there may be more visitors to this website with a more massive reach than the millennial generation, who are primarily active in social media—creating graphic content by including information value as a communication process using visual elements, such as typography, photography, and illustrations.

Based on the We Are Social survey, Indonesia’s number of active social media users was 191 million in January 2022. An increase of 12.35% compared to the previous year. Indonesians use Whatsapp as the most widely used social media (88.7%). Then there are Instagram and Facebook, with percentages of 84.8% and 81.3%, respectively. The data shows considerable potential to “market” the writings of writers on duniasantri.co.

Note: translated by editor from www.duniasantri.co/dunia-santri-eksplorasi-media-digital


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