When we hear the name KH Hasyim Asy’ari, what comes to our mind? Most people will remember KH Hasyim Asyari as one of the founders of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), Indonesia’s largest Islamic mass organization. Especially NU residents know KH Hasyim Asy’ari as well as the first Chairman of NU. However, who would have thought that KH Hasyim Asy’ari was Rais Akbar (now known as Rais Aam), not the Chairman. So who is the first Chairman of NU?
Biography of Hasan Gipo
He is Hasan Basri. However, he is more familiar with Hasan Gipo‘s nickname. The word Gipo is taken from his extended family, who come from the Gipo clan. The surname Gipo is an abbreviation of Sagipodin from the Arabic’s saqifuddin. Saqaf means protector and al-dien (religion). The village where the Gipo clan resides is known as Gang Gipo. This family has a family grave called the Gipo Tomb in the Ampel Mosque complex.
Hasan Gipo was born in Sawahan Village (which is now Jalan Kalimas Udik), precisely on Jalan Ampel Masjid in 1869. He is the fifth lineage descendant of the Gipo Dynasty. His father was H Marzuki, his grandfather was H Alwi, and his great-grandfather was H Turmudzi. In addition, Hasan Gipo still has a family relationship with KH Mas Mansyur (Muhammadiyah) because KH Mas Mansyur is a descendant of Abdul Lathif Gipo, who belongs to the Gipo clan.
He was born into a reasonably well-off family. Because of that, he also managed to get a Dutch-style education, which was only for the upper-class economic community then. However, Hasan Gipo did not leave his pesantren education; even he was ingrained in his santri’s heart.
Hasan Gipo’s Relationship
Hasan Gipo is an activist and trader who lives in an elite area of Surabaya. He used this opportunity to build relationships with movement activists in Surabaya. Among others, HOS Cokroaminoto and Dr Soetomo. From there, they became acquainted with Soekarno, Kartosuwiryo, Muso, and SK Trimurti, who were students of HOS Cokroaminoto. From here, the activists began to plan for independence.
He was then actively involved in the founding of Nahdlatul Wathan (1914), even though he was not listed as an administrator. He was also a participant in the discussion in the Taswirul Afkar forum (1916). He was also actively involved in Nahdlatul Tujjar (1918).
The First Chairman of NU
Hasan Gipo is a “limited edition” figure. He mastered general science and was known to be the only KH Wahab Hasbullah student capable and skilled in reading and writing Latin writing. In addition, he is also very familiar with the surrounding community. On this basis, Hasan Gipo was appointed as NU’s first Chairman (Tanfidziyah). The appointment was led by Kiai Wahab Hasbullah in the Bubutan area of Surabaya. KH Hasyim Asy’ari also approved the proposal.
At that time, NU was still in the form of an embryo where Rais Syuriah was KH Said from Paneleh, Surabaya and KH Asy’ari was chosen as Rais Akbar of Hoofdbestuur Nahdlatoel Oelama (HBNO) with KH Wahab Hasbullah as Katib ‘Am.
Hasan Gipo served for approximately three years. After that, the leadership of Tanfidziyah NU was succeeded by KH Noor from Sawah Pulo, Surabaya, at the 3rd Congress in Semarang.
Tomb of Hasan Gipo
Hasan Gipo died in Surabaya in 1934. Hasan Gipo’s tomb was almost lost, and no one could identify a trace. Because when we asked most NU residents about the first NU’s Chairman, they would respond KH Hasyim Asy’ari, not Hasan Gipo. Whereas in the NU tradition, the tomb is a crucial place. Because Nahdliyin residents never miss a pilgrimage to the clerics.
The tomb was finally discovered and marked; It was located at the Kanjeng Sunan Ampel‘s Cemetery Complex in Surabaya, east of the Ampel Mosque, the exact location of the tomb of the National Hero of Muhammadiyah’s figure, KH Mas Mansur.
Hasan Gipo is the dzurriyah of Kanjeng Sunan Ampel who sacrificed his wealth, soul, body, and energy for Muslims, especially in the NU struggle. However, his name is not widely remembered. Even by the NU community itself. May Allah always bestow mercy on him. Amin.
Note: translated by editor from www.duniasantri.co/ketua-umum-pbnu-yang-hebat-namun-tak-terlihat