Me and My Pesantren (2): Revolutionizing Life


Each pesantren generally has its own way of instilling moral values ​​for its santri. However, moral planting is a concrete step that is continuously carried out by the pesantren people. With it, an ideal human being is born to be proud of.

Pesantren is an alternative educational institution that prioritizes character building and moral strengthening (tarbiyah) rather than promoting intellectual intelligence (ta’lim), which is often not emancipatory and humanizes humans, excluding noble character (Ach. Dhafir Zuhri, 2018). This is what distinguishes pesantren education from outside. Therefore, it is morality to be the essential inspiration of pesantren.


The author himself is a student of the Annuqayah pesantren, Sumenep, Madura. At the pesantren, I learned many things about the significance of morality. Starting from waking up in the morning until going back to sleep. Moral education is not only studied theoretically in class and seems monotonous, without contextualization in daily life. Even though he feels compelled, the author continues to be taught how these morals can be consistently anchored to borrow the term Prof. KH Abd A’la.

Indirectly, the Annuqayah pesantren has revolutionized the writer’s life on a large scale. Initially, the author did not fully know and understand comprehensively about morality, even though morality has become a matter of habituation in the author’s family environment.

My family educates writers continually with morals. Thus, morality has become an essential part of the writer’s life. However, in terms of the area where the author was born, morality is then better known as tengka science.

In family education, including cultivating education, the science of tengka has become a culture. Therefore, as a logical consequence, the science of tengka must always be treated and should not be abandoned. And, when the knowledge is removed, then for the local community, it is as if the world is doomed.

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